to Lapka

Join waiting list today and take advantage of free access to our complete range of services.
by Power Paw Inc.
Hi there, my dog chewed up my sneakers and swallowed a shoelace! What should I do?
Hello! Take a deep breath and don't panic. First, take your dog to the veterinary clinic for an ultrasound. After that, make sure to monitor your pet's well-being closely.

Got a concern about your pet's health? Send us their test results or gross photos (like diarrhea - yes, we said it) and our expert vets will give you top-notch advice. Plus, we'll even show you how to pay the dog license fee - because who has time for that headache?
Care and support from
best veterinarians
Здравствуйте, мой пес сгрзы мои кроссовки
и съел шнурок? Что мне делать???
Добрый день, без паники, вам необходимо съездить
в ветеринарную клинику и сделать узи, затем наблюдать
за питомцем и его самочувствием.
Больше не нужно гуглить

No more stressing over when your pet's next treatment is due or trying to remember where you put their medical records. We've got you covered with our handy reminders and easy-to-access medical records.
Stress-free pet management
Удобный поиск по базе продуктов и блюд подскажет,
чем можно угостить питомца, а что лучше
не оставлять лишний раз на столе...
Больше не нужно гуглить

Удобный поиск по базе продуктов и блюд подскажет,
чем можно угостить питомца, а что лучше
не оставлять лишний раз на столе...
Pet care hub
We've got your pet-related questions covered from nose to tail! Our team of experts is here to dish out advice on all things pets: how to keep them healthy and how to make them happy

Breed-recognizing camera
Find out your furry friend's breed with our smart camera! Just upload a photo and let our neural network do the rest. Discover their heritage in a snap!

Breed-recognizing camera

Ready to take your pet care to the next level?
Our database is packed with a list of delicious treats and healthy meals for your furry friend, along with a guide to what foods to avoid. No more hassle, no more guesswork - just the best for your pet.
No more googling
Discover pet-friendly parks, opened vet clinics, and dog-friendly beaches — all gathered in one convenient place for pet owners.

Pet-centric city guide
Join waiting list today and take advantage of free access to our complete range of services.
Puppuccino to go
Bark & Brew
Who let the dogs out?
Dog beach
Opened 24/7
Pet ERgency
© 2023 Power Paw Incorporated